Title | Description | Start Date | End Date | File |
TNIAMP-2023-24-PROCUREMENT OF GOODS UNDER REQUEST FOR QUOTATION(RFQ)/SHOPPING PROCEDURE RFQ No.01/TNIAMP/ AGRI/VPM/P II/GOODS/23-24 | Supply of, Maize and Gardenland Pulses Seeds for Lower Pennaiyar sub basin in Viluppuram District. |
11/10/2023 | 26/10/2023 | View (1 MB) |
TNIAMP-2023-24-PROCUREMENT OF GOODS UNDER REQUEST FOR QUOTATION(RFQ)/SHOPPING PROCEDURE RFQ No.02/TNIAMP/AGRI/ VPM/P II/GOODS/23-24 | Supply of Gypsum for Lower Pennaiyar sub basin in Viluppuram District. |
11/10/2023 | 26/10/2023 | View (1 MB) |
TNIAMP-2023-24-PROCUREMENT OF GOODS UNDER REQUEST FOR QUOTATION(RFQ)/SHOPPING PROCEDURE RFQ No.03/TNIAMP/AGRI/ VPM/P II/GOODS/23-24 | Supply of Bio Pesticides and Bio Agents for Lower Pennaiyar sub basin in Viluppuram District. |
11/10/2023 | 26/10/2023 | View (1 MB) |
TNIAMP-2023-24-PROCUREMENT OF GOODS UNDER REQUEST FOR QUOTATION(RFQ)/SHOPPING PROCEDURE RFQ No.04/TNIAMP/AGRI/ VPM/P II/GOODS/23-24 | Supply of MN Mixture and Bio Fertilizers for Lower Pennaiyar sub basin in Viluppuram District. |
11/10/2023 | 26/10/2023 | View (1 MB) |
Notice inviting Tenders for the Construction of 20 Farm Ponds in Lower Pennaiyar (S) Sub Basin of Villupuram District. | Notice inviting Tenders from the Registered Contractors for the Construction 20 Farm Ponds in Lower Pennaiyar (S) Sub Basin in Thiruvennainallur, Kanai, Kandamangalam and Koliyanur blocks of Villupuram District for the year 2023-24 by the Agricultural Engineering Department under TNIAMP-IV |
20/09/2023 | 04/10/2023 | View (598 KB) |
TNSCM-II PPC Tender Floating | The Mathur Primary Processing Centre for Cashew in Villupuram District. RFP(PDF604KB) |
18/08/2023 | 05/09/2023 | View (538 KB) |
TNSCM-II 2 PPC’s Tender Floating | 1. The Ongur Primary Processing Centre for Fruits, Vegetables of other perishables Millets, Pulses & Oil seeds in Villupuram District. 2. The Mathur Primary Processing Centre for Cashew in Villupuram District. RFP-1(PDF605KB) |
12/07/2023 | 01/08/2023 | View (126 KB) |
TNSCM-II 2 PPC’s Tender Floating | 1. The Ongur Primary Processing Centre for Fruits, Vegetables of other perishables Millets, Pulses & Oil seeds in Villupuram District. 2. The Mathur Primary Processing Centre for Cashew in Villupuram District. RFP(PDF604KB) |
23/05/2023 | 06/06/2023 | View (507 KB) |
Notice inviting Tenders for the Construction of 20 Farm Ponds in in Lower Pennaiyar(S)Sub Basin Sub Basin of Villupuram District. | Notice inviting Tenders from the Registered Contractors for the Construction 20 Farm Ponds in LowerPennaiyar(S)Sub Basin Thirukoilur,Tiruvennainallur,Mugaiyur, Kanai, Kandamangalam and Koliyanur blocks of Villupuram District for the year 2022-23 by the Agricultural Engineering Department under TNIAMP-IV |
12/10/2022 | 27/10/2022 | View (260 KB) |
Requirement of Tractor 4 wheel Drivers 2 Nos and Backhoe front end leveller operators- 6 Nos – Out sourcing | Agricultural Engineering Department-Land Development Scheme-Required 2 Nos of Tractor 4 wheel Drivers and Backhoe front end leveller operators -total number of 8 No’s-Tender Notification-Reg |
19/08/2021 | 02/09/2021 | View (328 KB) |